7 Important Things to Consider Before Installing a Cleanroom in Your Healthcare Facility

Cleanrooms are used in research labs and other scientific areas where precision is essential to successful experiments. These rooms allow scientists to perform their work without having outside elements interfere with their results. In addition, cleanrooms are a great way to ensure that your assembly line will run smoothly and efficiently.

Cleanrooms are a key part of the manufacturing process. They are used to ensure that the products you use daily are safe for you and your family and that they have been made with the highest standards of quality.

According to the Grand View Research Analysis, the global market size of cleanroom technology was valued at $4.0 Billion in 2020. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.4% from 2021 to 2028.

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If you’re planning to install a cleanroom at your healthcare facility, there are several things you need to consider. The location of the room, compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, and adequate control over contamination risks. In addition to these factors, other considerations include heat light and humidity control.

The following is a list of things you should consider before installing a clean room in your healthcare facility.

1. Choose a Professional Cleanroom Installation Contractor

If you want to ensure that your new cleanroom has everything needed, like specialized equipment, air filtration systems, HEPA filters, etc., look out for experienced contractors like American Cleanrooms Systems. Ensure that the contractor has experience installing cleanrooms with the right skills and knowledge to do the job right.

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They should have installed numerous cleanrooms in hospitals and clinics before, so they know what works well and what doesn’t in these projects. If they don’t have any experience installing cleanrooms yet, then it may not be wise to hire them because their lack of knowledge could lead them to make mistakes.

It may cost more money later when those mistakes need repairing or replacing damaged parts or materials due to improper care during the installation process. Choose contractors who are licensed within the state jurisdiction where the client resides or where the project site will be located.

2. Location Is Crucial

The location of your new cleanroom is crucial. A cleanroom should be located away from people, animals, and food as much as possible. It should also be away from the main entrance, exit, and stairs. Proper installation takes time, so choosing a location that will not interfere with other areas of your healthcare facility is important.

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3. Installation of Cleanrooms Takes Time

When installing a cleanroom, it is important to take your time and ensure that every step is done properly. There are many different types of cleanrooms, and each has its unique installation requirements. For example, some cleanrooms need to be installed in a certain direction depending on how they will be used.

Also, the maintenance and use of a cleanroom are complex and require the utmost care. According to marketsandmarkets.com, the average cost of developing a cleanroom ranges between $100 to $1000 per square foot.

If you do not install your cleanroom correctly, it will not work as well as it should and could even become dangerous for people using it.

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4. Comply With Local, State, and Federal Regulations

You must comply with local, state, and federal regulations. First, check with your local health department. They will be able to tell you if there are any specific regulations for your facility or industry in your area.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration also has a handbook for employers on cleanrooms, including requirements for air pressure, air exchange rates, and air velocity in the work environment.

According to Coherent Market Insights, North America has been the global cleanroom technologies market leader since 2019. It accounts for 37.1% in volume, followed by Europe and Asia Pacific, respectively. However, different countries or states have different norms that must be followed.

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5. Control Contamination Risks in Your Cleanroom Installations

In a cleanroom, there are several things to consider:

  • The cleanroom should be designed to prevent contamination. It should not have any source that can lead to contamination, such as air inlets or exhaust fans placed near the work area.
  • Safe equipment maintenance and replacement are necessary to maintain a stable environment for the healthcare facility staff who utilize the cleanroom. It will require you to hire an experienced firm to help you design your cleanroom with these considerations in mind.
  • It is important to ensure that all equipment is stored properly so as not to disturb its working condition.
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6. Heat, Light, and Humidity Control are Significant

The cleanroom environment must be maintained at a temperature between 67 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit with relative humidity below 60%. The air in your cleanroom should be filtered using HEPA filters to remove particulate matter such as dust and pollen.

In addition to keeping the air in your clean room free from contaminants that can impede its effectiveness, you’ll also want to consider installing UV lights. These will help neutralize any microbial contamination that may occur when introducing new equipment into the area.

Other considerations include sealing off all openings with an airtight door so that no particles escape into the rest of your facility. It includes doors leading outside of your building as well as those leading into other rooms within it.

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7. You Will Also Need Appropriate Cleanroom Equipment

Consider the types of equipment you need. Next, determine your maintenance requirements for each piece of equipment and ensure these needs can be met in your new cleanroom environment.

When you have figured out what equipment you need, arrange it orderly. You will want to make sure that it is easily accessible by anyone who uses the cleanroom and easy for maintenance personnel to access when repairs are needed.


Don’t panic or hurry if you’re looking for help setting up your cleanroom or preparing an existing area. While creating a new cleanroom can be tedious and time-consuming, it is well worth the effort. A clean room is essential for any laboratory or healthcare environment. If you don’t have one yet and are interested in building one, consider the points above.

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