How to Know If Your Female Betta Fish is Going To Lay Eggs

Betta fish are curious, active fish that greet each day with aplomb. They are available in almost all pet stores especially if you live in Asia where they are commonly found. So it goes without saying that these little fishes have become quite popular over the years. But popularity doesn’t equate to friendliness. And with so many Betta breeders out there, we need to be cautious of whom we choose to bring home as pets. Luckily, most pregnant female betta fish are friendly but some may be more aggressive than others. If you have a Betta fish and have also noticed that they suddenly start behaving erratically, then there’s a chance they might be preparing to lay eggs -which could be very scary for your little pet. This blog will help you know whether your female Betta is ready to lay eggs or not and what you can do if they are indeed preparing to do so.

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What Is Female Betta Fish Egg-Laying Behavior?

Betta fish’s egg-laying behavior is reminiscent of avian species that lay eggs. This is not something that every female betta fish does though. Only a few per cent of all female Betta fish are known to lay eggs. This behavior is triggered by high temperatures. When the water temperature in your tank rises, so will the eggs inside your female Bta fish. The exact temperature at which this happens varies from species to species. If you notice your female Betta fish suddenly becoming more ‘active,’ it’s a good sign that she might be readying for egg-laying.

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Signs Your Betta is Preparing to Lay Eggs


– Your Betta fish is ready to lay eggs as soon as she produces fewer eggs, has a thinner egg sac, or starts actively defending her egg sacs.

– Your Betta fish is less active and shy.

– Your Betta fish is less responsive to the water condition and changes.

– Your Betta fish may have a swollen abdomen.

– There may be a drop in water quality, e.g., poor water flow, low pH, etc.

– There may be a drop in oxygen.

– Your Betta fish might be spending more time hiding than usual.

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How to Know If Your Betta is Ready to Lay Eggs?


If your Betta is ready to lay eggs, there are a few signs that you should look out for.


– Fewer eggs being produced – When your Betta is ready to lay eggs, she will begin producing fewer eggs, a thinner egg sac, or start actively defending her egg sacs.


– Thinner egg sac – Eggs-laying Betta fish often use a thicker layer of sand to protect their eggs. However, there are some Betta fish that do not need a protective layer as they lay their eggs directly on the glass, plastic or ceramic surface. When your Betta is producing a thinner egg sac, there is probably not enough sand to protect her eggs.

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– Swollen abdomen – A swollen abdomen may indicate that the female Betta is ready to lay eggs. This can be a good thing as it means that the female is ready to lay eggs. A swollen abdomen is often a sign of increased water intake. Which is a good thing as it means the female Betta is taking in more oxygen to fuel her eggs-laying process.

Tips When Betta Fish Are Preparing to Lay Eggs

– Vary the feeding times. Betta fish are often ready to lay eggs when they are not getting enough food as it is. Try feeding your Betta at different times of the day.

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– Add more plants to your Betta tank. Plants in the tank will help to reduce water temperature, increase water flow and provide shelter for your Betta fish.


– Add more gravel to your Betta tank. Gravel provides a fine sand substrate that can protect your Betta eggs.


– Turn off the heater and/or change the water flow. These two things can cause low water flow and high water temperature in the tank.


– Clean the glass or tank surface that your Betta is laying eggs on.



If your female Betta fish is ready to lay eggs, there are several signs that you should look out for. These include fewer eggs being produced, a thinner egg sac, a swollen abdomen, and a drop in water quality, e.g., poor water flow, low pH, etc. These signs can help you know if your Betta fish is ready to lay eggs. And if so, you can be prepared for them to start laying eggs. However, if your Betta fish isn’t ready to lay eggs, there’s no need to worry. Betta fish are great pets and are very easy to care for. If your Betta isn’t ready to lay eggs, it’s likely nothing to be too concerned about. Your Betta will likely be ready to lay eggs again soon, or they may not lay eggs again at all.

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